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Island Miangas,Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Miangas outer islands of Indonesia is located near the border between Indonesia and the Philippines. The island is included in Miangas village, district Nanusa, Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi province, Indonesia. Miangas is one of the islands belonging to the cluster of islands Nanusa immediately adjacent to the Philippines

Melonguane Beach,Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

This coast located in sidetown of Melonguane ( Capital City of Talaud Regency), with white sand, great place, wonderful view and also have the clear water, this place is very great to visit.

Sara Island,Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Sara Island located between Karakelang Island and Salibabu Islands that can reach by Speed Boat about 15 minutes from Melonguane. Sara Island have white sand too, and have beautiful fantastic and wonderful view from under water

Tabang Beach Talaud

Tabang is one of the villages located in the district Rainis, Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi province, Indonesia

Totombatu Cave is a Historical Place of Talaud

This Cave Is Located Between Niampak and Tarohan village approximately 45 minutes from Melonguane by Car

Friday, November 25, 2011

Monument Talaud Islands

This obelisk monument is located in the middle of town Melonguane.

Fun on the beach boy, reminded me of my childhood in sub Gemeh, Taruan,
Talaud Islands

Economic Social and Cultural Factors Farm Coconut Talaud Islands

The research was conducted to determine the socioeconomic and cultural factors that affect coconut farm in Talaud Islands. This study uses a survey research method is descriptive analytical. The research was conducted in the District and District Kabaruan Beo, Talaud District, in August through October 2005. From two to four village-camatan taken at random, the Village and Village Mangaran Kabaruan, District Kabaruan, Lobo Village and Village Rae, District Beo. Each village 30 farmers in the sample taken random sampling so that the total number of samples is 120 peasant farmers. The results of multiple regression analysis for socio-economic and cultural factors affecting the coconut farm in Talaud Islands is a variable the value of culture, education variable, the variable distance of a residence with a garden, the variable nature of the technology, and motivational variables farmers. The dominant factor as a determinant of coconut farming is the motivation of farmers.


APBD TA 2011 Budget is pro Talaud Islands Region of interest
Melonguane-PC, the FY 2011 budget Talaud Islands No pros and no pros regional interests and the interests of the People's needs. This is a reflection of the Government in the Lower Leadership plt. Regent Drs. C. Ganggali and PLTS. Secretary (who is also the Chairman of the Executive Budget Team) who do not have a strong commitment to develop the region and improve the welfare of the community. Impression that the government just simply focusing attention on the things not to touch the interests of society. Government as if it did not want to know, or maybe it really could not manage to run the administration, or pretended not to know the pages of thing subtatif Because I had other priorities (for specific interests). Special SKPD Regional Investment Coordinating Board, after parliament passed budget, the Budget Implementation Document jabarannya form (DPA) that is given by SKD DPPKAD (Office of Financial Asset Management Region), the Budget was provided only for routine needs, such as: Administrative Services Office: (correspondence services; communication services, water and electricity; Provision of maintenance services Vehicle offices; office cleaning; atk; printed materials and duplication; reading, eating and drinking; coordination meetings all Rp.136, 5 jt ... plus the increase in a means of procuring the desktop 1 unit USD. 13, 5m and maintenance of official vehicles for Rp.3, 5 jt. While the four areas in the environmental field so BKPMD only nameplate. Because these four areas there is no activity or program of work that can be formulated as no budget because everything in the barbershop. So if local leaders want berkaor-kaor about the officials to improve performance, where performance would be improved ... not funny ... and weird but true ... means leaders who will not know or it could be because it can not / can not afford ... Year 2011 is the year of investment and activities for the development of investment climate which is a necessity that can not be ignored .. while regional leaders close their eyes and ears pretending not to understand that ignoring the intent of budgeting activity which was very substantial and urgent (In fact one of the fields in the body SKPD BKPMD Talaud Islands is the Field of Investment Climate Development). Preparation of the organization was already there but the commitment to move there, because where there are institutions that can move with the program activities without the support budget, although occupied by Superman though. See and examine this phenomenon alone, can be seen that the leadership ranks under the leadership of Drs. C. Ganggali (Plt. Regent) and Dean R. Tatuwo, SE (Acting Secretary / Chairman of the Executive Budget Team), was clearly not able to alias should resign, .. than the interests of neglected areas so that it becomes matisuri (visible life but without the basic joint activities that touch people's lives and fundamental interests of the region and substantial). Until now, the budget is more concentrated area for things that do not touch the vital interests of the community because in addition to use for personal interests of certain persons, local budget in the concentrate for Playing the legal issues a few unscrupulous officials and staff personnel Talaud Islands has one job and kelolah deviations lead to legal implications


Cooperation with the Local Government UMN Talaud
Talaud District Local Government in collaboration with the University of Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) in terms of education. The signing of the cooperation has been conducted on the campus of U MN in the region by the Regent d'Ivoire Serpong district. Talaud dr. Elly E. Lasut and of the parties represented UMN Johannes S. Prajitno (3 / 9). In cooperation, the government Talaud give full scholarships to 40 students to study at home Talaud UMN at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to graduate degree. Currently all 40 students are already in the UMN campus to follow the matriculation program. Government-led programs Talaud Regent Lasut Elly is a breakthrough to improve the quality of human resources Talaud residents in particular and North Sulawesi in general


Talaud Islands already has a health facility in the form of two units of type C hospitals in Melonguane and Gemeh, health centers 19 units, 36 units pustu. The number of medical personnel is very limited.
In order to meet the needs of specialist physician services in the district Talaud Islands, Department of Health and the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Mala cooperation with the Center of Community Eye Health (BKMM) North Sulawesi provincial government. Monday to Tuesday (10 / 5), today a number of paramedics in the service of cataract surgery, haziness in vision, teridium / boboca and corrections to the installation of glasses. Team of specialists consisting of two ophthalmologists, namely Dr. Dyana Watania SPM as a team leader and Dr. Ivone Ramenwa, SPM and three residents of each of Dr.. Jerry Rumayar, Dr. Neni Parimo and Dr. Fajri Matoka accompanied by a number of nurses who are all numbered 15 people. In his statement, Monangin said that the future will be pursued arrival of the surgeon in order to meet public health services in Talaud islands.

Various Kids Of Cultural Talaud

Melonguane city, according to several people that I meet here. Was once a small coastal village, and not as busy as today after becoming the capital Talaud Islands. This village became the seat of government moved into the city and businesses, and Lirung mennggantikan Beo city that was once the center of his business here. Business activities can take place until late until about 10 pm, still found many shops are open. Apart from being a center of government and a new business center, the city also focused also central pathways both air and sea transport. Here lies the port Melonguane, which is right in downtown, there are also airports Melonguane, the other day there are planes that serve the aviation Melonguane - Manado.
This is the center of Melonguane, although it looks deserted and only enlivened by Bentor, his name is also dikepulauan remote town. But on either side along this road many shophouses stands and shops that sell a variety of public purposes Talaud. The price, of course, is a bit expensive when compared with in Manado. Fishermen activity As the islands, of course this area is rich in natural resources, especially fish catches. And every day, dozens of tons of fish, resulting from the catch of fishermen in these islands. A small part of their own consumption and sold locally, in markets or directly on the beach when the fishing boat, people here called it a "Pajeko", and most of the others sent to Manado or directly exported to overseas. And this is when the ship pajeko, landed from the sea with their catch.
Pajeko ships returning from the ocean, with great catches of fish directly in the assault by fish buyers, and transaction activity occurs directly on the beach Melonguane.
Ketinting boat, typically used for fishing only fishermen along the coast, and did not get to the middle of a vast ocean towards Lirung Lirung is a district capital located on the island Salibabu, which is a separate island which is opposite the town of Melonguane. While Melonguane and the city is located on the island Karakelang Beo, the largest island in the Talaud. To go to Lirung, using a speedboat, with a mileage of approximately 15 minutes.

Historic Places

Manee traditions
Rarely there is fishing, which is preceded by herding fish using leaf and rattan tied performed rollicking from a depth of three feet, then locked in a specific location on the coast. The unique event was made public on a number of islands in Talaud District, North Sulawesi. The uniqueness of the event has evolved into a warm story among the adventurers at home and abroad. So, when in early March 2007, the National Sailing PT Indonesia (Pelni) disseminate information about events on the Island Festival Mane'e Intata, Talaud District, on May 21, 2007, a total of 40 Japanese citizens directly enroll in the ASEAN-Japan Centre: central promotion trade, investment, tourism and ASEAN is headquartered in Tokyo. They want to see straight and follow the entire process of traditional fishing. "I've always heard stories about Mane'e. His story made me very curious and anxious to see directly, but only this time the opportunity came, "said Naoko Miyazaki who lives in Tokyo, Japan. History Naoko claimed since the end of March 2007, he and three friends began to gather materials and information about Mane'e, history, society and culture Sangihe and Talaud. The information gathered is very attractive so as to make them believe this trip to Indonesia must be very satisfying. In the midst of preparations are more mature to get to the island Intata, all 40 would-be tourists from Japan received the news of the execution time changes Mane'e Festival; from the original May 21, 2007 to May 23, 2007. Change is spread in Japan in early May 2007. As a result, 36 potential tourists from Sakura was immediately canceled plans to attend the Festival Mane'e. The reason, schedule their travel to Indonesia and several countries in Southeast Asia are difficult to change again. If you force yourself to follow Mane'e event on May 23, 2007, means it will destroy most of the travel plans. A week before the festival, word got back that the events on the island Intata Mane'e remains held on May 21, 2007. "This news came after 36 Japanese tourists already canceled a planned trip to Intata. Thus, no benefit anymore, "said Naoko, the Japanese tourists, who with three friends from Tokyo to the island chose to remain Intata. Not to be managed Mane'e was really special. For example, the timing of events is based on the calculation of the movement of stars and the highest tidal sea water. Mane'e venue has been sterilized from fishing. Of the nine locations on the island and surrounding Intata one location at which fishing is allowed only once a year when the show Mane'e. Eight other locations sterilization valid for six months. Area of ​​each site ranges from six to eight acres. Off-site Mane'e, fishermen still catch fish throughout the year. After the fish were herded to the leaf attached to the cane into a pond near the beach, all citizens are allowed to catch by hand. The catch is it can be consumed in their homes. Along with the times, Mane'e became popular in various parts of the world. In fact, later turned into an icon of tourism in Talaud Islands. Moreover, the tradition that has lasted hundreds of years was not found in other areas. However, local governments, indigenous peoples, and businessmen in the area have not been able to manage activities to attract tourists Mane'e, including from abroad. One example is the change in schedule of events Mane'e just before activity. In addition, during the last Mane'e organizers were never sure when the fishing begins. As a result, many guests from outside the Talaud Islands that can not watch the whole process of catching fish. When they arrived at containment pond fish, Mane'e activities already completed. "Since the beginning of April 2007 I have prepared themselves to follow and record the entire process Mane'e activities. We came all the way from Japan because of events like this are very rare. Therefore, we want to see it directly. However, we could not record the whole process because of time fishing in bulk delivered Intata different committees on the island with the fact that fishermen do, "said Nobuko Otsu Japanese tourists pitched disappointed. The next step The Secretary-General also expressed disappointment Association of Maritime Tourism (Gahawisri) Didien Junaedy. "Tourists were willing to come to an activity merely want to see the process. That momentum is considered the most important and most valuable, "said Didien. These problems arise, he added, because of weak coordination Mane'e Festival organizers from the central to district. If the event is sold as Mane'e want tourism, fishing should be mass adjusted gradually. For example, the first arrest made outside Talaud guests, or foreign tourists. After that, following the local community and so on. Why do foreign tourists that come first? Because they will be telling stories and informing other travelers around the globe. "When the ceremony Mane'e give a positive impression, the following activities would interest a lot of foreign tourists," said Didien. In addition, the time of the event must also be specified Mane'e a year earlier. This is important because for foreign tourists, every trip abroad is always scheduled several months in advance, along with the timing and duration of visits at each location, and cost. In addition, a clear scheduling will allow the company to sell travel agents Mane'e events abroad. Including a long term cooperation with a number of shipping companies to schedule a visit to the ship to the island Intata transporting tourists who want to watch Mane'e. Wardiyanto, Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that the tourism business vision needs to be built among the people and government apparatus Talaud Islands. This step is important so that this great potential to contribute for the local economy and local communities. Another option that needs to be done is to create a grand strategy to make Mane'e as a tourism asset. Starting from the provision of support facilities to the social aspect, so that tourists feel comfortable, safe, and enjoy during a visit to the region.

Flora And Fauna Talaud

At present, no less than 119 species of birds in Indonesia threatened with extinction. The cause is poaching, illegal trade and habitat destruction. In Indonesia it is the habitat of more than 1500 species of birds. Of the 119 endangered species, there are five species of birds that have been extremely critical because it is threatened with extinction. The birds in question is Nuri Talaud (Eos histrio), Yellow-crested cockatoos Small (Cacatua sulphurea), Seram cockatoos (Cacatua Moluccansis), Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothchildi), Trulek Java (Vanellus macropterus) and Seriwangsa Sangihe (Eutrichomyias rowleyi). Actually, many efforts have been made to prevent the extinction of animal Indonesia's wealth, but everything appears to be ineffective, due to rampant illegal trade in rare animals. Nuri Talaud bird trade (Eos histrio) or the locals call it "Sampiri", for example, to date continues rampant. No less than hundreds of high valuable birds is smuggled abroad. Nuri bird trade Talaud clearly violate the law, because the animal including protected animals under PP. 7 tahun1999, as well as international regulations given in Appendix I of CITES confirmed that birds should not be traded between countries. Nuri Talaud (Sampiri) Sangihe Talaud (North Sulawesi) as one of Indonesia's Endemic Bird Area (EBA 167), has no less than 11 endemic bird species in addition to several other endemic species such as the four species of mammals, two species of butterflies and several species of plants all of which are highly dependent the existence of forests in the islands. Among the endemic birds, Nuri Talaud appear to have received the attention of the world community since a few centuries ago. It seemed from the Nuri Talaud birds that have been preserved at the Natural History Museum diaroma in London England. Indeed, no one knows how the bird can perch at the famous museum, but from the traces of history, the possibility of bird preservation was brought European sailors in the 18th century. Souvenir of preserved bird looks attracted the attention of collectors and naturalists and biologists who work in various museums in Europe, so they try to study it scientifically. Since 1760, Nuri Talaud has been scientifically established as a separate species based on the collections of the museum. In a book published in 1889, Sidney J Hickson, also touched upon the rare animals that he encountered on his way to the Sangihe Talaud in 1885. The same, also presented by Dr. Murray, a naturalist who visited the island Miangas, as narrated by St.. G. Mivart in his book published in 1898 Indeed, many reports mention the existence of naturalists that these birds. Yet, ironically, almost all of them showed Sampiri bird trade has occurred as a high value commodities. Bird Smuggling The ban trade in endangered species seemed powerless to stem the parrot trade, which of course done in the dark. According to the local community, in the 1960's, other than copra, nutmeg and cloves, parrot became the mainstay of many commodities Tawao or smuggled into the Philippines. While in the 1990s, parrot smuggling, became a sideline of the Filipino fishermen who do a lot of illegal fishing in Indonesian waters to be supplied to General Santos, Philippines. The rise of the illicit trade that occurs naturally due to weak supervision by the Navy, as well as local government. According to information, parrot trade is profitable. The Filipino fishermen usually buy from the population at a price. Rp. 25,000 - Rp. 50,000 per head. Or it could be done with the barter system, which is exchanged with aluminum pans, skillets, bayonet, and liquor (Tanduay, London Gin, and other alcoholic beverages). While the fishermen on arrival in the Philippines will sell it back at a price many times over. Parrot trade Talaud (Sampiri) has become a protected animal under PP. 7 tahun1999 basically involves a lot of people. Interwoven between the catcher, fences, brokers, and wholesalers, has formed a network that connects Talaud, Jakarta, Philippines and Singapore. Action Sampiri (1999) reported that the activities of fishing and trading Talaud parrot began to bloom around the end of the 1980s. The existence of orders from Jakarta in bulk (about 2500 tails) that supposedly said to the bird park in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, has sparked a fishing activity Nuri Talaud massively. While the arrival of Filipino fishing vessels and their interaction with the community on the Eastern Seaboard Karakelang has provided opportunities for trade Nuri Talaud into a business that has a foreign market. Each year, thousands tail Nuri Talaud sold out Talaud island territory in the period between 1996-1999. Most of Nuri Talaud sold to the Philippines, while a few others sold to other regions in Indonesia via Manado. In one report stated that more than 500 birds Sampiri has come to Singapore from Indonesia between April and December 1992. The foundation investigation report states that trade Nuri Sampiri Talaud has continued until today. With a rough calculation based on the results of investigations Sampiri Foundation in 2003, the total bird Nuri Talaud traded in three villages which are the basis catcher during the period of the last 8 years is about 6480 tails, or an average of about 810 chickens per year. Transportation facilities are limited, people skills are very low, public ignorance, and lack of legislative mengertian be a trigger factor Talaud Nuri trade. Weak oversight of the Navy performed well in the border region and the KSDA, police, and government districts in the coastal villages become an obstacle in reducing the pressure on Nuri Talaud population due to illegal trade. While the legal empowerment of the weak and corrupt attitude that has helped preserve this illegal business activities. Preservation Efforts The government has actually been trying to preserve these rare animals, among others, by setting forest konservasidi Sangihe Talaud. On the island of Great Sangir no less about 3.549 ha of protected forest areas used while on the island Karakelang Sahendaruman around 24.669 ha area used as a Wildlife Reserve Karakelang and 9000 ha as the Forest Preserve area. Unfortunately, the existence of forest conservation is particularly vulnerable due to the rampant encroachment, illegal logging, poaching and illegal wildlife trade, and environmental pollution. Local governments recognize the importance of this region, and supports the protection and the existence of these areas. However, the lack of agreement between the public and the government relating to the management of natural resources as well as the clarity of the forest boundary leads to less effective protection by the government.

Culture Talaud

Has been created and published a blog culture and tourism in the Land of Talaud. This blog exists as a medium to introduce to the public works and achievements of human culture that exist in the Land of Talaud, as the most northerly district in Indonesia. As a district composed of islands, it has a wide range of potential Talaud culture associated with the beach and sea. For the record there are a variety of cultural sites that hold interesting stories about the lives of island communities. Likewise, Talaud has wide potential for nature tourism are ready to pamper anyone whether land or sea from the mountains and hills, waterfalls, sweeping beaches, and underwater scenery which became the target of the audience of underwater tours. So what are you waiting? please come to the ground Talaud, we are ready to welcome you!

History Talaud


Friday, November 18, 2011

A grave Traces History Talaud

Totombatu Goa is a unique rock cave contains a collection of human skulls, located on the shoreline at the southern end of the village Tarohan, Karakelang Island, Talaud Islands. This cave is located on a small rock hill about 8 feet tall, which protrudes into the sea as far as fifty yards. It draws from this place is a stone structure that forms the cave is very diverse, consisting of rocks, limestone and older rocks are full of cracks. Among the clusters that are indented notches formed caves, some of which form a large hole, so it can be passed by more than one human body. At the top of the rock structure covered with various trees and shrubs typical of coastal areas. On one set of lush shrubs on a hilltop stone cave that holds that there are 33 skulls and human bones. From this place we can see Salibabu island, Nusa islands in the harbor basin headland Lobo and Beo. That said, according to locals speech, of yore, there is a plateau called Tarapahan, which means mountain of nine. On the mountain is believed by villagers Tarohan as ethnic origin Talaud. But there has been no definite story that tries to explain the existence of a collection of people in this Tarapahan plains. Some claimed that the collection of the society is a society of migrants from the island Mangindano, or the Philippines Mindanao.
Taengetan added, the number of skulls and bones in the cave rock more than 100 pieces. This means there are 100 more ancestors who died and his head is taken to be put in a stone cave. One of the large number of skulls were nearly 50 cm in diameter are believed to belong Tatuhe. However, when visiting the cave Pontolondo only meet about 33 skulls were found alone and not the giant's skull as described Tatuhe locals. One thing to point out about the existence of a giant skull Tatuhe is the existence of segments of the human thigh bone and the calf which has a size of about 15 cm longer than the segment size of normal human bone Indonesia calf and thigh. Told that the bones were missing from the cave because it is stolen, and the greatest place in the latter half of the 1960s when there was a group of people purporting to be from the Netherlands who then carry the number of objects including a large jar containing a giant skull. Urns and relics were later taken Taengetan according to the Netherlands and until now no more information that explains the existence of a number of the stolen objects. Because of the narrowness of residential areas, the population Totombatu within the next 300 years since their arrival from the highlands Tarapahan then spread to the villages on the coast Karakelang. While most of which are still lagging behind and then moved to the north, precisely in the south end of the current Tarohan village, known as the literary language as Maninggungkota. In the mid-19th century, the population residing in Maninggungkota then moved again to a wider plains in the north up to now and in the village called Tarohan. Tarohan called because it is located between two rivers. But there are different versions about the name of the opening Tarohan Tarohan story of popular resistance to the Dutch. It is said that Tarohan derived from the Malay language "Bet". That village is at stake between Mangenti, king Tarohan with the Dutch colonial rulers who came from the direction Melonguanne and who intend to take over the village Tarohan. The bet was, if the king can not move people Mangenti of Maninggungkota within four months of the Tarohan will be taken by the Dutch. But the king with his people to build Tarohan Mangenti, both home and fortress that surrounds Tarohan in just 40 days and 40 nights.
Tarohan can be free for a while from the Dutch. Successor to the king of kings Endang Mangenti Mentiri not follow in the footsteps of its predecessor to compromise with the Dutch. He did not want kerajaanya be part of the colonial Dutch. Thus the colonial government then took steps to bring some troops and soldiers to directly capture the king Endang. After a period of hiding from the Dutch, the king Endang then caught in the woods near the plains Tarapahan after the Netherlands-in-law persuaded the king Endang, the brother of the king's wife to show hiding Endang. Finally he was exiled to the island of Pigs, which is one of the islands adjacent to the island of Nusakambangan. In a way that is not in the know by the people, the king Endang can finally escape the island and return to Tarohan Pigs. Arriving at Tarohan he then promptly handed the reins of power into the hands of the king Aaron Sarendeng and he later changed his name to Mangule. This event coincided with the attack on the Dutch-led Tukunan Arangka'a Larenggam led by the king in 1893. With the passing of time, too Tarohan changed, the fortress that surrounds the village which was once the royal city and then collapsed by an earthquake in 1936 and was followed in 1971. While some relics of the ancient weapons of the Dutch are now beginning to be damaged by rust, and stored at home local residents. In the end Tarohan history, stories and Totombatu Tarapahan stored only in the minds of traditional elders and was almost lost in the absence of documentation and care of the younger generation Tarohan, Talaud government and society in Talaud culture lovers. Hopefully, this worry is not the case, and the story of Tarapahan, Tarohan history and existence of a unique Totombatu can be maintained from generation to generation.

Habit Community

Talaud [KADNET] - Consecrated Women Adventist (BWA) Talaud district of North and South Essang BWA district sports meet along the beach Lalue Village, sub Essang, Talaud district, on Sunday, June 14, 2009. Meeting this sport is the inaugural meeting between the two districts, sponsored by the department BWA two districts. This meeting was held to further enhance the ties of friendship between the two BWA member districts.
Before the sports activities are held together preceded by a brief worship. Worship is led by the mother D. Sandil, Talaud BWA coordinator of the North and the sermon by the mother of M. Soriton, BWA coordinator Essang south. After worship forwarded by planning several meetings and agendas such as activities that will be made later for the next 2 years by both districts.
Meeting this sport is filled with a variety of sports and games such as football, volleyball, running marbles, running three legs, and other games of interest. Can be seen enthusiasm from mothers BWA two districts to follow this sport event with many mothers who attended the BWA meeting this sport. We pray for the BWA in the two districts can be more forward again. God bless us all.

Marampit Island Expedition, District Talaud

Marampit Island in Nanusa Islands with an area of ​​14.99 square km. Administratively, the island is included into the district area Nanusa, Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi. Marampit island inhabited by the 1436 Soul, with community livelihood as farmers and fishermen. Copra, nutmeg, and fruits are bought and sold crops there. While the fishermen sell the fish to the reef fish Karatung, Capital Nanusa Islands. Marampit population inhabit four villages namely Marampit, Laluhe, Dampulis, and Marampit East. Four villages into place data collection Frontier Expedition Marampit Island archipelago. Dampulis known as a fishing village and has a tradition of making a boat. Marampit boat has its own peculiarities. Is small and has a roof. The roof is used as penghalau large waves that are often found in waters around the Islands Nanusa. Marampit in Talaud means Closures. This is because due to the shape of this island. The island is located in front Marampit Bantek Island, Big Island that have a shape like a horseshoe. Horseshoe shape is like a closed because Marampit Island right in front of him. Bantek island itself is now gone along with the tsunami earthquake that occurred in the 10th century and now only remaining Kakarotan Island at the southern end. Marampit rich in endemic flora and fauna. The expedition team discovered a variety of flora and fauna are unique and not found in other areas such as the old crab Walnuts, Pergam or better known as a forest dove, and Kingfisher with a variety of colors. On the island there is a fortress of karst heritage Marampit Bantek Kingdom. The text of the description of Queen Banua, known to exist in the Kingdom Bantek Ages 7 and had fought to maintain the territory of the Zulu Kingdom, the Philippines. Now the ruins of the fortress can easily be found in Marampit. From the fort it was also revealed that the Kingdom of Majapahit had stopped at the island Marampit. This can be seen from the tiles left in the fortress of the karst. Marampit, a property that we should keep

Talaud Islands District Profiles

Talaud Islands. capital Melonguane. Has an area of ​​1251.02 km2 and is divided into 8 districts. Countries bordering the Philippine territory in the north, the Sangihe Talaud district in the south, the Celebes Sea in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east.
View Larger Map Plantation remains a center of economic activity Talaud Islands. Nutmeg, coffee, cocoa, vanilla, pepper and cloves are still unreliable. But of the six commodities, nutmeg seeded. Plants are often used as sweets initersebar evenly throughout the district. Since the Dutch colonial era, has become a commodity trading nutmeg penting.Proses easy maintenance and high selling price is a driving factor other plant communities Talaud nutmeg. Not only are traded nutmeg. Mace mace also called high economic value. Fuli usually can use to spices and ointments. Plantation agriculture is dominated economic activity Talaud Islands. However, behind it, the activities of food crops still have potential. Only, all of the untapped potential maximum. Support facilities and infrastructure such as irrigation agriculture is still not well managed. In fact, if the potential of food crops cultivated by the maximum, in Talaud food needs can be met immediately. Coconut is the largest crop diahasilkan, but this area is still importing oil from Manado and Bitung, this is because the coconut processing industry has not developed into cooking oil, as well as for industrial processing of clove and nutmeg are also not yet available.
Besides having excellent komodutas of plantation, this maritime region has the potential of marine fisheries with the commodity form of tuna, grouper, overpasses, skipjack, and Farmed sea such as seaweed, sea cucumbers, and pearl oysters. In the area of ​​these islands there is only one pier at the beach the fish peangkapan Dagho, Tamako District, Big Island Sangir. From agricultural, plantation and fishery also have a major impact on trade. Trade became the foundation of livelihood after agriculture. the existence of road infrastructure is adequate will make it easier for traders to interact so as to accelerate both the flow of goods and services, this area has also been found Melongauane airport located in Talaud Islands, three main Pelabuahan Lirung Port, Port Karatung, and the Port Miangas, and there are various supporting facilities and infrastructure facilities including power plants, water, gas and telecommunications networks.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Totombatu Cave

Totombatu Cave is a Historical Place of Talaud.

This cave is located between Niampak and Tarohan Village approximately 45 minutes from Melonguane by Car.

Totombatu Cave already existed since 15 century, this cave have a very old and unique grave for King Tatuhe, His Guards and His Soldiers & Knights that have fight against colonialism in the land of Porodisa ( Talaud ).

Tabang, Rainis, Kepulauan Talaud

Tabang is one of the villages located in the district Rainis, Talaud Islands, North Sulawesi province, Indonesia


Wooow, one of the most recommended place to visit.

Sara Island...

Hmmmm, Talaud has many beautiful place…

What a nice regency in North Sulawesi.

Here a short description about SARA ISLAND that located in Talaud, North Sulawesi.

Heavily forested with lush verdant tropical vegetation, this tiny island bustled with the activity of Maleo birds,cockatoos,etc. It is surrounded by white sandy beaches and the is an extensive coral reefs nearby. Take a motorized outrigger canoe from Lirung harbour (45 minutes) or from Melangguane Airport (60 minutes) to this splendeour island.
Sara Island located between Karakelang Island and Salibabu Islands that can reach by Speed Boat about 15 minutes from Melonguane. Sara Island have white sand too, and have beautiful fantastic and wonderful view from under water.

This place is great as same as Melonguane Beach.

So, this islands is very good for diving, snorkeling and another maritime activity.

Melonguane Beach

Talaud has many tourism destination place to visit, which one is Melonguane Beach.

This coast located in sidetown of Melonguane ( Capital City of Talaud Regency), with white sand, great place, wonderful view and also have the clear water, this place is very great to visit.

The water condition in this place is very good if you want to swim and dive. You can enjoy the great experience under the sea, what a beautiful view friend.. You also can see many species in there, include rare species, as the Yellow Sea Horse, Nudiebranch, Frog Fish, and also Coral reefs.
This place have a few similarity with Bunaken

This place is very nice, so i just found a poem that made from someone that ever visited this place.

MelonguaneI admire the color of sunset, when they dance on the sea water ,
Along the darkening sky looks purple clouds thinned
I listened to the strains of symphonic music of the sea
I closed my eyes relaxed with every breath that I exhale

A touch of warmth began to fill my body, adorn the deepest feelings where my soul is

So, this Place is Top Recommended if you have a vacation and you want to take a trip to Talaud Regency.

Miangas – Sulawesi (Indonesia)

Miangas is a small island in the Pacific Ocean are dealing directly with the Philippines.Local people call Mangiasa which means cry or pity because the location is very remoteand far from the reach of sea transport. Some are calling the island of Tinonda meaningbecause of the efforts of King Talaud ferried to move or take across several familiesfrom the Island to Island Miangas Karakelang.


eagle monument at Miangas

Since the first Miangas already a northern boundary for the Kingdom Talaud together Napombalu Island as its southern boundary. After the imperial system ended,administratively Miangas Island became part of the Sangihe-Talaud District Administration and are moving into the territory Nanusa - Talaud Islands, -North Sulawesi (Manado)

Myth and History
Talaud Islands is a collection of islands in the Pacific Ocean which includes the Islandsof Mindanao, the Sangihe Islands and Palau. If you follow the myths that circulate whyuntil there are many islands in the Pacific region is then based on speech-SangiheTalaud folklore says that there are descendants of the King of Heaven / Gumansalangi who descended from heaven and wants to marry a village girl in the area. Because theheel forcefully embers then when he set foot to earth, scattered land to the divide the original one.

Specifically theoretical-scientific, Wallacea programs ever conducted an investigation of Tarsius Spectrum (monkey / smallest primates) and nearly the same animal speciesfound in mainland Philippines to Vietnam to the type found in Indonesia (Bitung,Tangkoko). Strengthening the spread of the islands or archipelago, alleged that there was once a hurricane from the sea is very powerful that it ran down and separating the islands.

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