Manee traditions
Rarely there is fishing, which is preceded by herding fish using leaf and rattan tied performed rollicking from a depth of three feet, then locked in a specific location on the coast. The unique event was made public on a number of islands in Talaud District, North Sulawesi. The uniqueness of the event has evolved into a warm story among the adventurers at home and abroad. So, when in early March 2007, the National Sailing PT Indonesia (Pelni) disseminate information about events on the Island Festival Mane'e Intata, Talaud District, on May 21, 2007, a total of 40 Japanese citizens directly enroll in the ASEAN-Japan Centre: central promotion trade, investment, tourism and ASEAN is headquartered in Tokyo. They want to see straight and follow the entire process of traditional fishing. "I've always heard stories about Mane'e. His story made me very curious and anxious to see directly, but only this time the opportunity came, "said Naoko Miyazaki who lives in Tokyo, Japan. History Naoko claimed since the end of March 2007, he and three friends began to gather materials and information about Mane'e, history, society and culture Sangihe and Talaud. The information gathered is very attractive so as to make them believe this trip to Indonesia must be very satisfying. In the midst of preparations are more mature to get to the island Intata, all 40 would-be tourists from Japan received the news of the execution time changes Mane'e Festival; from the original May 21, 2007 to May 23, 2007. Change is spread in Japan in early May 2007. As a result, 36 potential tourists from Sakura was immediately canceled plans to attend the Festival Mane'e. The reason, schedule their travel to Indonesia and several countries in Southeast Asia are difficult to change again. If you force yourself to follow Mane'e event on May 23, 2007, means it will destroy most of the travel plans. A week before the festival, word got back that the events on the island Intata Mane'e remains held on May 21, 2007. "This news came after 36 Japanese tourists already canceled a planned trip to Intata. Thus, no benefit anymore, "said Naoko, the Japanese tourists, who with three friends from Tokyo to the island chose to remain Intata. Not to be managed Mane'e was really special. For example, the timing of events is based on the calculation of the movement of stars and the highest tidal sea water. Mane'e venue has been sterilized from fishing. Of the nine locations on the island and surrounding Intata one location at which fishing is allowed only once a year when the show Mane'e. Eight other locations sterilization valid for six months. Area of each site ranges from six to eight acres. Off-site Mane'e, fishermen still catch fish throughout the year. After the fish were herded to the leaf attached to the cane into a pond near the beach, all citizens are allowed to catch by hand. The catch is it can be consumed in their homes. Along with the times, Mane'e became popular in various parts of the world. In fact, later turned into an icon of tourism in Talaud Islands. Moreover, the tradition that has lasted hundreds of years was not found in other areas. However, local governments, indigenous peoples, and businessmen in the area have not been able to manage activities to attract tourists Mane'e, including from abroad. One example is the change in schedule of events Mane'e just before activity. In addition, during the last Mane'e organizers were never sure when the fishing begins. As a result, many guests from outside the Talaud Islands that can not watch the whole process of catching fish. When they arrived at containment pond fish, Mane'e activities already completed. "Since the beginning of April 2007 I have prepared themselves to follow and record the entire process Mane'e activities. We came all the way from Japan because of events like this are very rare. Therefore, we want to see it directly. However, we could not record the whole process because of time fishing in bulk delivered Intata different committees on the island with the fact that fishermen do, "said Nobuko Otsu Japanese tourists pitched disappointed. The next step The Secretary-General also expressed disappointment Association of Maritime Tourism (Gahawisri) Didien Junaedy. "Tourists were willing to come to an activity merely want to see the process. That momentum is considered the most important and most valuable, "said Didien. These problems arise, he added, because of weak coordination Mane'e Festival organizers from the central to district. If the event is sold as Mane'e want tourism, fishing should be mass adjusted gradually. For example, the first arrest made outside Talaud guests, or foreign tourists. After that, following the local community and so on. Why do foreign tourists that come first? Because they will be telling stories and informing other travelers around the globe. "When the ceremony Mane'e give a positive impression, the following activities would interest a lot of foreign tourists," said Didien. In addition, the time of the event must also be specified Mane'e a year earlier. This is important because for foreign tourists, every trip abroad is always scheduled several months in advance, along with the timing and duration of visits at each location, and cost. In addition, a clear scheduling will allow the company to sell travel agents Mane'e events abroad. Including a long term cooperation with a number of shipping companies to schedule a visit to the ship to the island Intata transporting tourists who want to watch Mane'e. Wardiyanto, Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that the tourism business vision needs to be built among the people and government apparatus Talaud Islands. This step is important so that this great potential to contribute for the local economy and local communities. Another option that needs to be done is to create a grand strategy to make Mane'e as a tourism asset. Starting from the provision of support facilities to the social aspect, so that tourists feel comfortable, safe, and enjoy during a visit to the region.
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